Six Months To Love: Charlotte's Redemption Read online

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  “Fine hi, I’m Charlotte Jackson, pleased to meet your acquaintance”

  “Wow so formal, I thought we might be pass formal introductions, but for shits and giggles, Hi! I’m John Smith.” Laughing John corrected himself quickly seeing a slight annoyance and confusion of Charlottes face, “just joking it’s John Ranger.”

  An unimpressed Charlotte was a bit shocked by his slight crudeness and joking but brushed it off as part of his personality. She had been sheltered all her life and only been allowed to play with members of society that her parents deemed fit in their life style, so curse words for something other than anger and defiance of the social norm were a new thing to her that she’s slowly gotten used to.

  As she promised during their last conversation she waited eagerly at the local coffee shop during her lunch break from work. What was she doing here? This was ridiculous! In no way did she want to think about men, especially with everything going on and especially after her bruised past but she just couldn’t help it. The man was delicious to say the least, with dark brown almost black hair, shorter than any guy she had ever thought of dating at 5’3” he held his own against the taller population with confidence. His eyes were that of amber and dreamy to say the least, the very least. Just as Charlotte was daydreaming he walked in, that tawny skin and buff physique was enough to take her breath away. He was more handsome than any man she had encountered.

  “Hey, what’s up” he said with ease, snapping her out of her temporary dream.

  “Hello, it’s a pleasure to see you today”

  “Ya were gonna have to work on that formalism you got there, just a simple hey would have sufficed”

  “You know I should be slightly offended by your correction, but somehow I’m more intrigued than anything”

  Laughing John walked towards the counter to order “so whatcha drinking?” A big tall cup of you, God what was her problem, she never had thoughts like this, she should be slightly embarrassed yet somehow she was attracted to his confidence. “Um, a Grade Caramel Latte please.”

  He turned back to the coffee attendant with a smirk to order their drinks, slightly leaning on the counter when he spoke to her. Charlotte could feel a twinge of jealousy as the coffee girl flirted right back with him. Ignoring their exchange Charlotte went to find a new seat since hers had been conveniently stolen by an older gentleman and a rather large laptop. Finding a table for 2 in the back which sat next to a window she almost ran to snag it before someone else could get their grimy hands on it. Charlotte fidgeted for a few minutes with the seats before settling as John walked around the corner with two coffees and a couple sandwiches for them.

  “So that will be 13$ for yours by the way,” shocked Charlotte hesitated for a minute looking at the smirk on his face before attempting to grab her wallet. “Just joking calm down, wow you really need to relax.”

  “Excuse me?” Charlotte snapped

  “I was just joking but the look on your face was classic for appalled, your clearly not use to a gentleman in your presence are you?”

  Calming down a bit Charlotte responded with her meek and mild voice “No not really, it’s been a while.” That stung John as he saw the sincerity in her eyes, wow she really has been damaged a bit hasn’t she. As far as he was concerned at that point he would make sure she was treated like every woman should be treated, nothing less than a queen.

  The afternoon wore on way past her lunch break, shocked when she looked at the clock Charlotte jumped up nearly knocking the table over in her efforts to rush out. “Oh my, I’m late its way past my lunch break.”

  “Calm down you’ll be fine, the clinic is right around the corner, its only 30 min past.”

  “You don’t understand! I NEED this job,” Charlotte all but yelled the word need which set off some embarrassment in her cheeks as she realized she sounded panicked. “Look I’m sorry but I need to get back to work, thank you for lunch and I’ll see you at the gym in a few days.”

  “Wait a few days? I thought you were coming tonight like last Wednesday for that new class?” John shot back eagerly.

  New class, had he really been playing that much attention to her? She should be creeped out by that but Charlotte was in a way touched by his slight action that in other people’s eyes could look like a bit of a stalking action. “I have my sons school play tonight, I never miss an activity with him.”

  Son? John thought as she flew out the door headed towards the hospital clinic. Well that was a curve ball John didn’t see. She hadn’t mentioned him yet in their conversations, but why should she they were just getting to know each other, heck they had only just met a few weeks ago.

  Back at the hospital Charlotte was thankful that her direct shift supervisor wasn’t upset with her, actually Joanna was thankful that Charlotte had let loose and wasn’t as perfect as she thought she was, it was a miracle that the girl was actually human. Laughing Joanna was thrilled to hear about Charlotte’s lunch “date,” and she used the term date loosely. Charlotte was always so well put together and collected. Joanna appreciated her honesty in her lateness. Those were qualities that were hard to find, she just advised that Charlotte not make a habit out of it. As the two women were stalking the carts, an emergency tone came from the radio, both women briskly walked to the door for their car crash victim with possible neck injury at the ER doors.

  The doors opened and what Charlotte saw turned her blood cold, why does the devil always try to ruin her best days? Her ex-mother in law lay on the stretcher and when she saw Charlotte you could tell that her injuries were the last of her worries at that point. The woman was evil and Charlotte knew it.

  “Charlotte, grab the cart,” her supervisor seemed a bit stunned when she had to ask twice.

  “Sorry I was in a bit of a shock, that’s my exes mom” Charlotte confided. Just then Joanna knew what Charlottes worry was. Before now Charlotte hadn’t told her ex where she was working. Her attorney offered her salary to the courts during the child support portion but inclined that due to their abusive relationship Charlotte was fearful her ex would cause problems and filed for privacy against the reveal of her employment location. Reluctantly the judge granted it. Well the cats out of the bag now…..

  Even though she was still sore Magda couldn’t wait to get to her phone and tell Alex about her new information. As she attempted to crawl out of her wonderfully uncomfortable hospital bed to get her purse she thought to herself about how her son may react to this new useful information. So Charlotte had reached to her roots and pursued a nursing degree? Madga was sure that she would go crawling back to her father and beg for forgiveness, well if she was smart she would, but Madga knew that was far from the truth, as she tried to tell her equally stupid son the day he announced her loved her. Madga sneered at that word…Love … Ha! What a joke!

  This was going to hurt tomorrow; she just hoped that the other cars insurance paid well, t better since he was driving a new BMW. Right now they needed this settlement to keep up their expenses. Her son had better be thankful that she “Tapped” her breaks just in time for the other car to slam into her. What a dumb fool, playing on his phone while driving, which just made him an easy target for Magda.

  Charlotte knocked on the door, her stomach in knots she waited for the answer from a voice she was dead set on avoiding. “Come in” yelled a cool and confident voice. Collected as well as she could be Charlotte entered the office with her shoulders back and head held high. “Please sit Mrs. Jackson.” Mr. Norman was the head of the hospitals human resource division and the one people normally went to with complaints or called to if they were getting fired. Quietly Charlotte calmly complied.

  “It has come to my attention that there was an incident earlier in the ER with a car crash victim”…. “Would you mind telling me what happened?”

  Confused slightly and in slight fear of what Magda may have already done to yet again try to ruin her happiness Charlotte explained that she and Joanna were stalking the carts on down time
when the call came in. Charlotte was honest in telling Mr. Norman that she realized it was her ex mother in law on the stretcher but did not let that information affect her job as she step by step help prepare the victim for the doctor by taking vitals and information related to the crash.

  “That is my point exactly Mrs. Jackson.”

  “Your point sir? I apologize but I’m a bit confused.”

  “Joanna told me how collected and on top of things you were and frankly I must say I’m impressed. You were faced with a moral dilemma and handled yourself with more character than some of my best doctors do.”

  Shocked Charlotte just sat there stunned, this was a complete 180 from the way she thought this meeting was going to go. “Tha-thank you sir.”

  “Here’s the deal Mrs. Jackson, we have a few new openings for shift supervisors, you have just the moral and ethical character that we need. The pay is substantially more as are the responsibilities but I am confident that you can handled the job.”

  Even more stunned than before Charlotte considered what to say next.

  “There is a training program of 60 days that will give you temporary pay of that of a supervisor, at the end of the period, if you survive, we will either make cuts or officially promote you, the choice is yours Mrs. Jackson, but remember opportunities like this don’t come along often.” Mr. Norman eyed her like a hawk waiting for her response. 60 days? Charlotte didn’t have 60 days, well maybe 60 but not much more than that. The question is does she tell Mr. Norman her secret or keep it to herself for now?

  “Mr. Norman I need to tell you something first.”

  Mrs. Nelson was busy reading herself for Andrews’s dad to come for his Visit after Andrews’s school program. Every Wednesday Alex picked Andrew up at 6pm sharp utilizing a car service, from Mrs. Nelson at a place of her choice. Mrs. Nelson preferred a public place where Alex couldn’t let his temper and attitude get the best of him. A place where Mr. Nelson felt safer from his hard and domineering hand. Never once had he tried to raise a hand to Mrs. Nelson but early on in their encounters Alex had tried to intimidate her through her bark, which she was sure was just as bad as his bite.

  “Andrew my dear were going to be late meeting your mother at the school. Please hurry my love.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Andrew replied with slight annoyance and boyish charm that always made Mrs. Nelson laugh. He was such a care free child and a sweetheart to boot. Mrs. Nelsons only fear was that he would lose some of his mother’s influence to that of his father’s hate.

  Once at school Mrs. Nelson could see the excitement in Andrews face. They were giving a play on the presidents for a class project. The school prided itself on early education and hands on learning, something that both Charlotte and Mrs. Nelson loved. Mrs. Nelson thought of herself as the unofficial grandma to Andrew, a position that both Andrew ad Charlotte welcomed with open arms.

  “Are you there yet?” Victoria almost spat out the words with her on-going annoyance as she thought of Andrew in a less than Ivy League school. This was supposed to be the first night that Victoria was introduced to Andrew as part of the family as Alex’s new fiancé. No doubt this would be a shock to Andrew as he had known her for a long time. Still she thought this was a bad idea as she was almost sure Andrew would run and tell his mom the new family development, a release she did not yet want. Victoria was nothing if not meticulous in her plans, she waited until the précised moment on anything she did for the chance at extreme pleasure over others pain and shock. Without a doubt, she knew this would hurt Charlotte to know that her “best friend,” was now marrying her ex, but Charlotte deserved this for stealing Alex from her many years ago and almost ruining his reputation at the same time.

  “I’m pulling up now my dear, please for the love of God stop badgering me; it’s really starting to piss me off.”

  “Oh please shut up, you’re not stupid enough to follow through with your threats and temper anyway, you need me much more than I need you, I promise!” Victoria all but spat out the words at Alex.

  It was true, Alex did need Victoria and her money to survive and get out of debt. His mother’s recent insurance scam couldn’t guarantee a lot of financial gain and even then it would take 6-8 weeks to get an initial payment, one which was already gone and spent keeping their tax problems out of the paper and out of people’s mouths so their “reputation” could still stand, barely but stand. Victoria stood to inherit almost 60 million from her father on top of her already sizable trust when she married. Her father didn’t care who she married as long as he had a decent social standing.

  After Andrew’s presidential performance at school, Charlotte decided to head to the coffee shop that she went to earlier with John. She wanted to look over the manual that her boss had given her. She was determined she was going to prove herself. She was grateful for this opportunity, even if it would only last a short time. Sighing she pushed that thought out of her head as she walked into the coffee shop. It was late, 8pm, but the coffee shop hosted poetic visionaries, or wannabes at the very least which kept the shop open until 11pm on Thursday and Friday evenings.

  After ordering coffee she decided to immerse herself in the atmosphere and begin her readings.....

  John was sitting at home when his father came bursting into the study. “I need your help” his father snapped more frantic and overwhelmed than angry.

  “What now?”

  “Don’t talk to me like that, you may refuse to work at the office but the least you can do is respect me and help out when needed!” His father must be desperate, he only asks for help when another idiot associate at his office couldn’t handle the case load given to him.

  “I’m busy right now; I’ll look at it later”

  “Why did I ever pay for you to go to law school if you were just going to throw it all away? Honestly John it infuriates me that you refuse your calling.”

  “What I refuse father is to be controlled by you, let me be and explore my options in life and just enjoy myself, how hard is that?”

  “That’s your mother talking, God rest her soul.”

  “She was a bright woman, Father, you should be happy I listen to her”

  “Sometimes not!” His father mumbled under his breath, growing more frustrated he slammed the case file down and stormed out.

  Quite amused with his considered win, John set his feet back on the desk and opened the case file that was so damn important and urgent to his father.

  The next few days flew by at work; Charlotte was happy with her new responsibilities and even happier that she was finally finding a balance between her growing friendship with John, and the new visitation schedule. Andrew seemed adjusting though he was sometimes sad coming home but refused to tell Charlotte if anything was wrong. Brushing it off as the adjustment and divorce trauma that she read kids often go through, Charlotte went on as usual, though in the back of her mind she still couldn’t shake the feeling that she was missing something.

  At home Charlotte frantically searched her closet for something to wear that didn’t scream money. All her clothes were designer brand, at Alex’s insistence. He refused to let her wear anything that he considered would ruin or tarnish his reputation. Appalled by the thought Charlotte let out a frustrating sigh. John was meeting her at the restaurant at 7pm and she only and 30 minutes to finish getting dressed and out the door or she will be late, something that Charlotte hated yet had a habit of.

  Wondering what was taking Charlotte so long, Mrs. Nelson knocked on Charlottes door. “My dear are you okay?” A welcome voice for sure Charlotte was relieved to find Mrs. Nelson standing with a basic black dress that had an open back. The dress was fitted in all the right places, it could only be described as simple and perfect. “I thought you might need this, it was my nieces but she never wore it and looks to be just your size.”

  Mrs. Nelson never ceased to amaze her with her instincts and intuition that at this moment saved Charlottes night. Shoeing Charlotte off after she got dres
sed, Mrs. Nelson assured her that Andrew was fine and in zombie mode at his favorite cartoon show. Thankful and hesitant Charlotte left. Her first date in months, though she should feel as if it’s too soon, something inside her was screaming for a taste of her hunky date.

  The sight of him made Charlottes knees weak. This man, shorter than her, wore his confidence that made him seem 6ft tall to her. It wasn’t an arrogance that she was use to with Alex, no, this was the confidence of a man who knew he was good and Charlotte wanted a taste of it. He walked towards her smooth and cool.

  “You clean up nicely Mr. Ranger.”

  “Nicely? What was I a bum the last few times I’ve seen you?” John was always a jokester, something she learned that got on her nerves, but she couldn’t help but like about him as well. She had a deep feeling that this would be the trait that she would hate and love the most about him.

  After ordering their food, Charlotte couldn’t help but feel a bit on impatience, all she could think about were those lips and how much she burned to kiss him. Uhg what was wrong with her? She never acted this way, come on Charlotte get ahold of yourself.

  Just then John’s hand brushed ever so slightly against hers as he reached for her water glass so the waiter could fill it again. That touch set her on fire.

  “Are you okay? You seem distant.”

  “Huh? Oh I’m sorry, I was um just day dreaming I guess, the view is gorgeous here.”

  “Yes I’m sure seeing the rain driven streets of New York is a gorgeous site that we never see”

  “Ha ha, always a jokester. Trust me Mr. Ranger if you have been through what I’ve been through you would find beauty in everything.”

  Just then John knew there was something special about her, a light that strived to push through the darkness of her broken and fragile soul and all he wanted was to help through the tunnel and forever make her days sunny.